People-Centered Design

Our pioneering People-Centered Design Process supports the optimal, rapid, and sustainable roll-out of TB innovations.

PCD Toolkit

The People-Centered Design Toolkit is designed for country stakeholders and partners, including civil society and communities, interested in applying a creative, inclusive, and systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and selecting TB service delivery and product innovations to transform when, where, and how TB services are accessed and delivered.

The detailed case studies from Phase 1 of the RTC implementation with our local country partners in Uganda (Walimu) and Viet Nam (FIT) include lessons learned and recommendations for country stakeholders and partners, including civil society and communities, implementing a people-centered design process.

Case Studies

Concept Notes

The concept notes from Phase 1 of the RTC people-centered design implementation with our local country partners in Uganda (Walimu) and Viet Nam (FIT) brainstorm ways to leverage innovative approaches and health technologies to facilitate 3 prioritized opportunity areas.