

Transforming WHEN, WHERE, and HOW services are accessed and delivered in TB affected countries.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, surpassing both HIV and malaria in combined deaths, despite being a preventable, treatable and curable disease. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Report 2023, in 2022 alone, there were 1.3 million deaths from TB and as many as 10.6 million people falling ill with the disease.

The Stop TB Partnership shared new data in March 2021 showing that nine countries with the highest TB burdens – accounting for 60% of the global TB burden – saw drastic declines in the diagnosis and treatment of people with TB in 2020, with an average decline of 23%. Essentially, the decline in TB treatment coverage due to service disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic erased 12 years of hard-fought TB programme strengthening gains in these countries. While some efforts and metrics have gotten back on track since the disruptions due to COVID, we are still at risk of missing global TB targets.

To meet our goals, we need re-imagine how TB care services are delivered through people-centered approaches and innovation, both in the products we use to diagnose and treat TB, and way services are delivered to empower and enable TB-affected people to access the highest possible quality care.

Our mission

Our phases/goals

  • identity

    Phase 1: Inspiration & Co-creation

    Implement an actionable, structured, and inclusive people-centered design (PCD) process to understand the people’s needs and wants in accessing and delivering TB services.

  • introduce

    Phase 2: Acceleration

    Support the optimal roll-out (introduction AND scale-up) of country-selected innovations based on learning and insights from the PCD process.

  • integrate

    Phase 3: Integration

    Lay the groundwork to connect and link country-selected, introduced innovations with the country’s health management information  system (HMIS).