Changing how we do business in TB and global Health.
Ending TB is a chance to make history.
TB is a preventable, treatable, and curable disease, but it is currently the world’s deadliest infectious disease, surpassing COVID-19, HIV, and malaria. According to the WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Report, in 2022 alone, there were 1.3 million deaths from TB and as many as 10.6 million people falling ill with the disease.
While there is a strong economic and social investment case for ending TB, there are several critical and systemic bottlenecks in preventing us from achieving this goal.
Ending TB will require us to:
Transform global health financing;
Build digitally enabled health systems; and
Incubate entrepreneurial solutions.
For example, the future of global health financing will require us to look beyond traditional funding mechanisms and invest in strengthening health insurance programs, leveraging money market mechanisms (i.e., ETFs, mutual funds, etc.) and digital currency platforms, venture capital models, etc.
If we are serious about ending TB, we will need “Re-imagine TB Care”.
Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
TB Affected Person, Viet Nam
It’s time to DisrupTB to End TB.
The RTC initiative is driven by the following core values.
Imagine and build the future. We need to recognize that what got us here will not get us where want to go.
Challenge vested interests and legacy structures. We need to change long-established power dynamics, systems, and practices.
Embrace radical change and unconventional methods. We need to address chronic and systemic barriers and challenges with fresh perspectives and creative angles.
Synergize private sector best practices with public sector goals. We need to apply effective business strategies models for public sector contexts.
Learn more about our work.
Learn about our country projects and partners that are “Re-imagining TB Care”
Country Projects and Partners
(Coming soon)
TB Innovation Sandbox
People-Centered Design tOOLKIT
Learn about how we are, like the private sector, putting end-users at the center of the innovation development process
Find and filter 450+ product innovations that are “Re-imagining TB Care”
(Under construction)
innovation launch plans (T-minus 5 year )
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