It’s time to DisrupTB to End TB.

What got us here won’t take us where we need to go.

Ending TB is a chance to make history. 

TB is a preventable, treatable, and curable disease, but it is currently the world’s deadliest infectious disease, surpassing COVID-19, HIV, and malaria. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Report, in 2022 alone, there were 1.3 million deaths from TB and as many as 10.6 million people falling ill with the disease.

There is a rich innovation pipeline to end TB, including 16 vaccine candidates, diagnostic tests, treatment for TB, including a diverse range of digital- and AI-based solutions. 

However, investment in TB has remained largely unchanged in the last two decades and more investment is needed to ensure these innovations reach the maximum number of people.

Ending TB by 2030 is feasible and doable by Re-imagining TB Care.

It’s time to DisrupTB to End TB.

We need to transform our thinking and modernize our approach by embracing more creative, holistic, and unconventional methods in the roll-out of TB innovations.

  1. Embrace radical change. We need to address chronic barriers and challenges from new angles and fresh perspectives.

  2. Challenge vested interests and legacy structures. We need to change long-established power dynamics, systems, and practices.  

  3. Synergize private sector best practices with public sector goals. We need to apply effective business strategies and entrepreneurial models for public sector contexts.

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Critical Pathway

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TB Innovation Sandbox

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People-Centered Design

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