On 5 March 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea, Korea International Cooperation Agency’s Global Disease Eradication Fund, and Stop TB Partnership co-hosted a hybrid event on how, like Apple, the Re-imagining TB Care initiative is using a structured, inclusive, and measurable People-Centered Design approach to creatively accelerate the roll-out of innovations.

Please find the event materials below:

  • Presentation deck (here and linked below)

  • Video remarks by Dr. Turyahabwe Stavia from Uganda (here)

  • Video remarks by Prof. Ngyuen Binh Hoa from Viet Nam (here)

  • People-Centered Design Toolkit (here)

  • Product Innovation Scan (here)

  • Post-event survey (here)

If you would like to join the RTC Collab Group, get updates about the RTC initiative and our projects in Uganda and Viet Nam, and be part of future events, sign-up here.

If you have any questions, email us at EASI@stoptb.org.